Monday, April 4, 2011

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei
At the start of this week's Strasbourg plenary session, Parliament's President Jerzy Buzek made reference to the anniversaries of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and to last year's plane crash in Smolensk in which many Polish dignitaries died. He also urged an end to the ongoing violence in Côte d'Ivoire and highlighted the case of Troy Davis, who is on death row in USA. Lastly, he gave an update on the steps Parliament is taking following press reports of corruption by MEPs.
On 26 April it will be 25 years since the Chernobyl disaster, Mr Buzek reminded the House. "We pay tribute to those who lost their lives or who are still struggling with the effects of the disaster", he said.   The thoughts of MEPs were also with the people of Japan, he added, following the earthquake, the tsunami and the damage to nuclear power plants.

One year ago 96 people died in the plane crash in Smolensk, including the President of Poland and 18 Polish parliamentarians, said Mr Buzek, who added "I knew half of the passengers on board".  It was "not yet clear what happened", he said, but "our thoughts are with those who are still in mourning".

Turning to the case of death row inmate Troy Davis, who is the focus of a campaign in the USA against capital punishment, the President said on behalf of the European Parliament "I appeal to the State of Georgia to commute his death sentence to life imprisonment".

Speaking next of events in Côte d'Ivoire, Mr Buzek insisted that Laurent Gbagbo must hand over power but he called on both sides to shun violence.

The President then spoke about his promise to inform the House of measures being taken in the wake of the corruption allegations against certain MEPs.  Following last Thursday's meeting of the EP Conference of Presidents (the President plus Parliament's political group leaders), he could say that Parliament was "taking firm action" regarding a code of conduct for interest groups and lobbyists as well as for MEPs.  The EP Bureau (Parliament's highest body responsible for administrative affairs) would meet this evening to decide the next steps.

Lastly, Mr Buzek informed the House that following his resignation as MEP, Ernst Strasser (EPP, AT) had been replaced by Hubert Pirker.  Hella Ranner (also EPP, AT) had been replaced by Heinz K. Becker.  Trevor Colman (UK), formerly of the EFD group, had moved to the Non-attached Members.

Agenda changes: debate on Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei

The House voted to make the following changes to the agenda.

Wednesday morning's debate with the Commission on public procurement will now be followed up with a vote on a resolution, although that vote will take place at the May plenary.

The urgent debate on Côte d'Ivoire scheduled for Thursday afternoon will now take place on Wednesday evening.  In its place on Thursday, there will be an urgent debate on Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei.
