Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Super Committee

Super Committee
S & P and Moody's reaffirmed its rating, Fitch will announce its decision later this month
Last night he met the worst fears and the "Super Committee" of Congress, created with the aim of reaching an agreement to reduce the deficit by $ 1.2 billion over the next ten years, announced he was unable to reach consensus. "Unfortunately, when the failure to reach agreement on a plan, albeit modest, now leads us to question the U.S. ability to address the major problems on the road ahead," say analysts at Deutsche Bank.

"The good news," he added, "is that both S & P and Moody's have reaffirmed their view of the sovereign debt rating of the country."

Specifically, Standard & Poor's has indicated that neither the qualifications nor the perspective on the United States have not been affected by the announcement of the "Super Committee" which is "consistent" with the decision of the firm to lower the debt rating to AA + from Aug. 5. The firm says it hopes that spending limits are maintained even if relieved, "the downward pressure to increase the rating."

Meanwhile, Fitch has recognized that complete its review of the rating of the United States later this month. Previously, the agency stated that the failure of the "Super Committee" surely derive a negative outlook for the rating. While he acknowledged that it was unlikely that a reduction would bring about a step in it.

However, the failure of the "Super Committee" may have other harmful effects. Thus, as is highlighted Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive officer (CEO) of PIMCO, although "the problems in the U.S. are lower than in Europe," the failure of the "Super Committee" amounts to more than 50% probability of recession in the country.
