Monday, October 10, 2011

Steve Irwin

Dead Crocodile Hunter: So great is his daughter
Many will remember even the tragic death of Crocodile HunterSteve Irwin († 44), who in 2006 arrived in Australia's Great Barrier Reef by the sting of a stingray killed. At that time, his 8-year-old daughter Bindi spoke at his funeral, which live in Australian television broadcast, and pursued by more than 300 million viewers, was a touching eulogy to her late father. How much time has already elapsed since his death, one is particularly aware, if you look at the actual photos of today's 13-year-old Bindi looks. The little girl who at the age of two years appeared in the TV show "The Crocodile Hunter," her father, has grown into a proper young lady.

On weekends, she landed with her ​​mother Terri (46) and her 8-year-old brother Robert in Los Angeles. That animals in the lives of the three still seem to play a very important role was also apparent in their outfits. bindi While a T-shirt with a wolf and was wearing one of her mother Terri Puma Foundation, showed the 8-year-old Robert in a uniform of the Australian zoo and looked as his late father confusingly similar. few days ago, Bindi and Robert have won the Australian Kids Choice Award at the Nickelodeon for their animal involvement.The brothers film is currently preparing a successor to the mission of her father in Australian zoo .This would certainly be proud of the two! 
