Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Michelle Hunziker

Michelle Hunziker has gone to the dogs
To the man of her dreams is waiting Michelle Hunziker (34) still, but that's no reason the family is not to increase anyway. Although it is not the second child that the presenter wants so much, but still a little dwarf, the their attention to complete.
"Her name is Lilly and is a Teamcup Poodle in Alabama" , which aired the 34-year mystery surrounding the family grows. The little dog-girl was five months old and very dear, she told blick.chin an interview.

"She does not bite, barks a lot and is a good guard dog!" Lilly is also a gift to their daughter Aurora (14), which had always wanted a dog. "You've always wanted a dog they have now is old enough to take responsibility." Both Michelle and Aurora are very fond of the new family member. "I'm totally in love with Lilly. I had just spent a week traveling on theater tour and away from home. . I never thought that I would miss a dog so "

Whether there will soon be also human growth in the women's budget remains to be seen, but it does not look as if the two - or three - would need male support.
