Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston: chair attack on director
Something like you're from Hollywood darling Jennifer Aniston(42) now not used to really! The scandal-free actress who can be seen just in the cinema in "Kill the boss," confessed now the glossy magazine Elle , some time ago in a violent argument with her ​​then- reaches director, whose name would not call them to be, with the pretty 42-year-old did not have under control.The filmmakers should the writer have treated very poorly, leading to dominate Jennifer could not and a chair after the director accused .

'Of course I have not met him and am at this moment not just proud, "she told in an interview. Jennifer's sense of justice is exaggerated but in this case, and evidence of misconduct, however, the subsequent regret of the Hollywood stars one nice gesture of apology to the unknown film director. But in order to achieve a change of image, the public was shamed confession probably not quite the right way of cute Aniston next door. 
