Wednesday, November 23, 2011


It is believed that about 38.2 million Americans will travel in cars, and about 3.4 million do so on air.

More than 42.5 million Americans are traveling from Wednesday November 23, 2011, whether by road, aircraft or trains to different parts of the country to spend the holiday of Thanksgiving Day with family or close friends.

The figure represents an increase of 4% over last year, when high gas prices and high unemployment discouraged thousands of potential travelers.

On Wednesday before the Thanksgiving Day is one of the greatest days of traffic, air and rail of the year in the United States. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA, triple A) for its acronym in English, the number of travelers will be the biggest since the recession began in 2007.

It is believed that about 38.2 million Americans will travel in cars, and about 3.4 million do so on air.

Another AAA is forecasting that there will be an increase in consumer spending despite the economic uncertainty.

The price of gasoline has increased 20% to a national average of $ 3.42 per gallon.

The air passages in the 40 routes in the nation have also increased 20% to an average of $ $ 212 round trip train tickets and have risen from 2 to 5%. The cost of hotels and motels also rose slightly, as well as fast food.
