Friday, November 18, 2011

Denver Broncos

Denver Broncos
Before this season, when the legendary former quarterback John Elway returned to the Denver Broncos as head of football operations, said the QB Tim ​​Tebow would have to adapt to the prevailing style and the offensive team in the NFL, learning to stay within protective pocket to throw passes.

And when he was hired as head coach John Fox said the same thing. But a 45-10 beating at the hands of the Detroit Lions last month, changed that thinking.

Tebow had played woefully in seven quarters and a half, which was captured 13 times and seemed unable to find an unmarked receiver. Thus, the Broncos gave up the possibility that Tebow became the prototype NFL quarterback and changed their offense to accommodate the talents of his quarterback.

They brought the NFL back to the "offensive options," a style that allowed Tebow to Florida look, both with his passing as carrying the ball himself. Its success was such that many consider the best quarterback in terms of the combination of these two talents in the history of college football.

After the change, Tebow won consecutive games on the road to Oakland and Kansas City - something not even Elway got - and operated an offense that carried the ball 93 times and threw 30 passes. The Broncos moved 543 yards rushing and 182 by air.

The quarterback completed only two passes against the Chiefs, but one of these was a 56-yard riflazo Eric Decker, representing the winning score. Thus, the Broncos (4-5) came within a game of the Raiders in the Western Division of the AFC.

Fox said this week the site of the NFL that would be "nervous" if Tebow lead a conventional offensive.

On Wednesday, when asked about that comment, the coach qualified its opinion.

"I think at the moment we saw the second half of the Detroit game, we realized that was not good to have him or any quarterback in that situation, down 24-3. It is good to be unidimensional in a game and having to launch the ball 30 times in one half, and the other team know what will. "

Perhaps Fox would be happier carrying the ball 30 times in half.

"This week we have to stop the run," said Rex Ryan, coach of the New York Jets (5-4), who visit Denver tonight, just four days after suffering a painful loss to New England. "Obviously, when faced with Denver, you know that your priority is carrying the ball."

Since Tebow replaced QB Kyle Orton as the registrant, the Broncos have amassed 915 yards rushing, the most in the NFL, moving from 23 th to 2 nd place in the league in that category. Tebow has added 283 of those yards.
