Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Zoe Saldana

Avatar-star Zoe Saldana is often "tortured"!
Does this sound familiar? Alone do sports, can be quite boring and unmotivierend. Especially the celebrities must always be in top shape and have a great figure. The pretty, super slim Zoe Saldana (33) can tell you a thing, they may disregard someone who kicks her right in the butt.
And this one is no less than her fitness coach Steve Moyer. He helps her to be ready for the red carpet.The American online magazineU.S. Weekly told Zoe: "We train, whatever I have to train. . When I know I'm making a movie and I need tight legs, then we do exercises that work the whole body, " but also for other events, the coach of course, knows what is emulate:"When I say 'I need to be one week to be at an event and I want defined arms have ', then we do exercises for it. " However, would the actress feel no great motivation to go alone to the gym, but she loves it, "to be fucked hard" .

And it reveals something. In their work-out, it is especially important to drink a lot and listen to good music "Currently, I like to listen to Rihanna's 'We Found Love!'" But not only is exercise important when on the red Carpet will shine, even on the diet you should take: "It is very important to have an empty stomach when you walk on the red carpet, because it can easily go far wrong. Eat what makes you happy, but not what you and I simply can inflate a great time. "But every now and then indulges in the Avatar -Star and then a glass of wine. In August, the actress dismissed the rumors that after has suffered the filming of the blockbuster "Avatar" a breakdown. For the next few years she has done enough in any case. In addition to the second part of Star Trek , she is still in "The Words" alongside Bradley Cooper (36) and Olivia Wilde (27) to play. For "Avatar 2" and "Avatar 3" it was committed. We do not have to do without the pretty actress. 
