Monday, October 10, 2011

Thomas Gottschalk

"The subsequent program shifts by 10 minutes." - This sentence is as much a bet on "Wetten, dass ..?"- evening as bizarre and high-profile guests. The fact that Thomas Gottschalk (61) in every episode of .? Wetten, dass problems with the time given is nothing new, the entertainer, who hosted the show since 1987, loves to chat away with the guests or jokes with the to make public and so it is hardly surprising that he never actually was able to conform to the time passing time. But how many extra minutes he has the public broadcasters steals in his career, anyway?

 The creators of the show have even added together and come to an unbelievable number: 3840 minutes have the whole curly-haired entertainer and his predecessor moved on, that's more than 64 hours of air time! The absolute record Gottschalk, however, on 8 December 1996, since then the show took a whopping 73 minutes longer than planned. Not quite as much, but still respectable, were the 57 minutes of 4 October 2008. Yesterday, the cult presenter was comparatively modest, to the delight of the producers, because with just under ten minutes, Thomas had rushed exceptionally correct. 
