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It also interfered philosophy enfant terrible, Slavoj Zizek at the protest movement at the "Liberty Place". Here is a portion of his speech
Do not be in love with you even in the nice time we spend together. Carnival is cheap for what they are really worth is decided by what remains, the day after, to what extent our normal everyday life is changing. In love with you hard and patient work - we are the beginning, not the end. Our central message is that the taboo is broken, we do not live in the best possible world, we may indeed need to even think about alternatives. There is still a long road ahead of us and we will have to ask the hard questions - not about this, but while we are on the wherefore. What is the social organization can replace the real existing capitalism? What kind of leader we need? The alternatives of the 20th Century have obviously not working.
So do not accuse people and their behaviors, but the problem is not greed or corruption, the problem is the system that drives us to be corrupt. The solution is not "Main Streetinstead of Wall Street , "but we have to change a system that relies on the Main Street without the Wall Street can not work.
Beware not only before but also Feiden from false friends who pretend to want to support us while she works diligently been working to bring our protest to silence.
They will say that we are anttiamerikanisch. But if we can explain conservative fundamentalists that America is a Christian nation, we should remind them what Christianity means, the Holy Spirit, the free egalitarian community of believers, united by love. We have the Holy Spirit, while theWall - Street -masters are pagans who worship false idols.
They will say that we are violent, and that our language is violent: "occupation" and so on. Yes, we are violent, but only in the sense of Mahatma Gandhi. We are violent, because we want things as they run to an end. - But what is this purely symbolic violence, compared with those who are required to bear the functioning of the global capitalist system?
We are called losers, but the real losers are not here on WallStreet that were just saved hundreds of billions of your money? They call you socialists - but in the U.S. there are already a socialism for the rich. You say that you do not respect the right to private property - but the Wall Streetspeculation that led to the crash of 2008, have more hard-earned private property destroyed, as we could do at this point ever - just think of the thousands of pledged homes.
We are not communists - at least not by those whose system is deservedly 1900 crashed - and let's not forget that the Communists operate, which are still in power, the ruthless capitalist system (in China). The success of capitalism run by Communists is an unmistakable sign that the marriage of Kaspitalismus and democracy is faced with the divorce. The only communist aspect to us is that we take care of the commons.
They will say that you're dreamers, but the real dreamers are those who believe that everything can endlessly go on as before - only with a couple of cosmetic changes. We are not dreamers, we are the ones awaken from a dream that has long since turned into a nightmare. We do not destroy, we are more witnesses, as the system gradually destroys itself. We all know the classic comic situation: The cat reached the abyss, but they continued marching drum without worrying that under their feet is no more reason. and it crashes only when she looks down. We do nchts other than the rulers to remember to look down.
So "change" really feasible? Today, the possible and the impossible are distributed in a strange way. In the area of individual freedom and the technology we make the impossible possible (we are told, anyway), we can practice sex in all perverted versions, download all the archives of music, movies and TV shows, even excursions into space are feasible for each ( then one has the money). We can also expand our physical and mental abilities by interfering with the gene structure - up to the dream of immortality by transforming our identities into a software program.
On the other hand, we are in the field of social and economic relationships continually "You can not" with a bomb. - Perhaps the time has come when the coordinates relative to the impossible possible reverses. Maybe we can not attain immortality, but more solidarity and better health care? Mid-April 2011, the media reported that China's government has banned fictional films about the history of the country. Here in the west feien it does not need such prohibitions. Matrielle ideology generates enough power. It is not difficult for us to imagine the end of the world - see the countless apocalypse movies - but not the end of capitalism.
In an old joke from the former East Germany, a German worker gets a job in Siberia, worried that all his mail is read by censors, he told his friends: we agree a code, if a letter from me is written in blue ink, He is genuine, if the text is red, he is wrong.
A month later received his first letter to the Fe and in blue: Everything is wonderful here, the shops are full, the food is excellent, the apartments are large and well heated, cinemas show films from the west, and there are plenty of pretty girls who like to get involved in a relationship - the only one gets what one is not red ink.
Is that not exactly the situation where we have lived up to today? We have all imaginable liberties, but no red ink.
We feel free, because we lack the language to express our freedom. What this lack of red ink means that all the big words we use today to designate the present conflict - the "war on terror", "democracy and freedom," "human rights", etc. are false notions that only the perception our situation instead of us repaired to dim to be aware of the reality. You all of you who are gathered here, give us the red ink.