Thursday, August 4, 2011

Presidential Election Singapore

Presidential Election Singapore
For the forthcoming Presidential Election, about 2.27 million Singaporeans will qualify to cast their vote if more than one candidate qualifies to contest.

The Elections Department said this is fewer than the number who were eligible for the May General Election which was 2.35 million.

That's because of the nearly 140, 000 voters who did not cast their votes in May, just over half have had their names restored on the Register of Electors.

This year, Nomination Day for the election has been set for Aug 17.

Arrangements for Nomination Day would be very much similar to the recent General Election where candidates can file their papers between 11am and 12 noon at the People's Association.

And if there's a contest, there would be nearly 780 polling stations island wide on Aug 27.

The Elections Department emphasised that the Presidential Election is different from the General Election as there's no constituency-based voting and the entire nation is involved.

President S R Nathan has said he will not be contesting the election after serving two six-year terms.

But five potential candidates have indicated their interest.

More candidates could still come forward, as those interested have till Aug 6 to submit their application forms.

The Presidential Elections Committee will assess their applications and issue certificates to those it judges to be of integrity, good character and reputation, with the necessary experience for the post of Elected President.
