Monday, July 25, 2011

Racial Harmony

BOUTIQUE manager Chinly Seah, 42, makes it a point to invite her Malay and Filipino colleagues to her home during the Chinese New Year, because she wants to celebrate the special occasion with them.
Said the mother of two: 'I enjoy making friends with people of different races and nationalities, and I encourage my children to do the same.'
Parents like her play an important role in making their children more open to different societies and cultures, said Education Minister Heng Swee Keat yesterday.
'I think that parents, in the way they interact with their neighbours, in the way they interact with their friends, set a very important example,' he said.
In the same way, parents who take a greater interest in the culture of other races can teach their children a great deal about the broader community, he added.
He was speaking to reporters after attending Racial Harmony Day celebrations at Rivervale Primary School in Sengkang.
