Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dota 6.72C Download

Dota 6.72C Download
Recently, my father had just made famous DOTA soon as we reveal the explanation Haitao, a message: 3 days, DOTA6.72C this will be released, should fix some BUG, ​​and large Mage skills may also make a correction. Out of their way to the next one going to do a little promotional video!DOTA6.72 added a new big Mage hero, the hero has just unveiled soon drawn into a negative list of rogue, the other 6.72 version also changed most of the heroes, including models, skills, balance, etc., can be said that 6.72 of DOTA is a milestone release. Today 6.72C released soon, we look forward to this version of the new opportunities!
