Sunday, June 19, 2011


Meet the real-life Bambi and Thumper - a cute baby deer and a fluffy rabbit who have become absolutely inseparable.
The cute pair became best friends last June when Bambi was found cowering at the side of a busy major road aged just one day old.
Just like in the 1942 Walt Disney classic, poor little Bambi had lost her mother and was left all alone.
But motorist Svetlana Harper, 35, spotted her shivvering by the roadside, brought her home and nursed her back to full health.
Bambi soon started meeting the other animals at his new home, including Stasha the Alsation dog,  but he quickly became best chums with rabbit Thumper.
Now the adorable pair play together, take naps at the same time and follow each other round all day - just like in  Disney's cartoon.
Svetlana said: 'I was driving home at night and not far from my home I noticed something on the road - it was raining and visibility was low.
'So I slowed down and as I went to drive round it I suddenly saw a small cub in the road.
'I stopped and carefully got closer to the deer. It didn't move, and then I noticed the mum laying near the cub.
'The mum was dead and so would the cub have been if I didn't rescue it. I covered it with my jacket and drove it home.
'I warmed some milk and added an egg to try to feed Bambi but with no success. The rest of the night he slept with me on the sofa and I would try and feed him again.
'By the end of the day he finally started to suckle milk from the bottle and felt better. He was following me everywhere - I was like his mum.'
Over the next few days the weather got better and a spring returned to the little cub who began bouncing around the house.
Soon he was ready to venture outside and start meeting his new pals around Svetlana's home in Montana, USA.
She added: 'He met all my dogs and rabbits and a few were very interested in Bambi.
My German-Shepherd Stasha likes all cubs and once even fed kittens who lost their mum.
'She started to care about Bambi and kept licking him and always laying down near him.
'But he was more interested in Ben, my rabbit who looks just like Thumper.
'They quickly became inseparable - it was very cute and made everyone laugh. We fed Bambi with milk and tried to leave him with Stasha as long as possible.
'All he wanted to do though was go and see Ben.'
