Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teresa Giudice

Ladies, this is NO JOKE! Last night’s premier episode of RHNJ featured a full-on rock ‘em, sock ‘em fist fight between Teresa and Melissa’s husbands, in front of all of their very young children.

In fact, the violent brawl occurred at new cast member Melissa’s Christening party for her new baby Joey. Could it be a more inappropriate place for ANY kind of nasty family drama let alone name-calling and violence?  NO – it could not!
Apparently anger and resentment has been brewing for years between Teresa and her once-close brother Joey Gorgaever since he married his highly competitive wife Melissa. Both Melissa and her two catty sisters have stoked the flames between Teresa and her bro, Joe. Now Joe feels that Teresa has been avoiding him and his wife and kids for years, while Teresa has felt pushed out of the relationship with her brother.
But that was no excuse for Joe to call his sister “garbage” and then yell at her to “walk away” when she came to congratulate Joe and Melissa ontheir baby. That was disgusting!
But then Teresa’s meathead bankruptcy-challenged husband Joe Guidice dumbly swung into action, lunging at his nasty brother-in-law with his fists. The whole place erupted in a violent melee with no regard to the babies, young kids and elderly folks in the room, including Joe and Teresa’s dad, who we were told has had two heart surgeries. It was a  terrifying scene on television – it had to be much worse to be there. Yes, this is a television show but that doesn’t excuse the stupidity of Teresa, Melissa, and their two husbands called Joe. A child could easily have been hurt. The family patriarch could have had a heart attack and in any case, all the children, were scared to death.
Teresa’s brother Joe is godfather to her oldest daughter, Gia. How are they going to explain to a scared and confused Gia why her daddy and godfather were hitting each other?
Please – Teresa, Melissa and the two Joes, you have  have a lot of explaining to do. And a lot of self questioning. Are TV ratings so important that you would endanger your babies and children both physically and emotionally?
Melissa Gorga ask yourself – why do you have such pent up hatred for your sister-in-law? Your snipping was really petty and nasty. And your sisters were just as vile, egging you on.
And Teresa- your husband need to stop creating a rift between your father and your brother, which apparently he’s doing.
The RHNJ has just taken dysfunction to a whole new level this season. Danielle Staub was nothing compared to this!
