Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rebecca Black

Rebecca Black, the teenager who has scored more than 120 million YouTube hits with her track Friday, has revealed she is working on a number of new songs.
It has been confirmed that the schoolgirl is recording a five track mini-album in California.
The 13-year-old whose track was labelled by some as ‘the worst song ever’ has been writing at a studio belonging to producer Charlton Pettus.
Pettus has previously worked with artists including Hilary Duff.
‘Performing artist’
“I don’t want to be known as the `Friday’ girl,” the teenager, from Anaheim, California told AP.
“Hopefully, I can be known as Rebecca Black and not the ‘Friday’ girl. I want to be a performing artist. That’s what I’ve always wanted to do.”
The singer’s mother, Georgina Kelly, has confirmed her daughter will continue to study despite her new found stardom. She is currently unsigned without a recording label.
“I’m definitely not some normal 13-year-old girl that barely anyone knows around school anymore,” said Black.
“I was bullied all the time in school. I don’t know what was so different about me that made people want to pick on me. I thank those people because if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here right now. I would probably still be sitting at home crying.
“I’ve dealt with that my whole life. I’ve learned to have a thick skin. I laugh at them now.”
Last week police revealed they were investigating two death threats made against the singer (20 April).
Black herself has said she is prepared for any criticism.
“I want to see everyone’s opinion of my actual voice. I don’t care if they love it. I don’t care if they hate it.”
“Well, I’d like it if they loved it, but I just want to hear their opinion.”
