Sunday, May 1, 2011

MMA News

On Friday, April 29, 2011 during UFC 129weigh ins we saw Steven Seagal walk out with yet another Black House fighter, Lyoto “The Dragon” Machida.
Segal made his first UFC appearance in the corner of UFC middleweight champion, Anderson “The Spider” Silva at UFC 126.
Silva says that he had been working with Seagal and that he [Seagal] helped him perfect the front kick that caught put Vitor Belfort square on the chin and dropped him flat on his face.
It’s no secret that Machida and Silva are fellow Black House training partners so, it only make sense that Silva would pass his knowledge to Machida.
What is surprising is that both fighters used a different adaptation of the same kick to KO serious competitors after training with Sensi Seagal.
For those of you who don’t know, Seagal is more than just an overweight action star. His martial arts are 100% legit and have been verified by international martial arts federations and journalists alike.
Segal studied Aikido and was officially the first American or foreigner of any kind to head an Aikido Dojo in Japan.
Sensei Seagal is ranked as Shihan (7th Dan Aikido Black Belt) in Tenshin Aikido and is known respectfully and affectionately by his students as Take Sensei. The word “take” means height, stature or mountain.
Seagal is a practicing Zen Buddhist and is believed by Tibetan Buddhists to be the reincarnation of 17thcentury Tibetan monk or tertön, Chungdrag Dorje and is recognized as such.
Machida, now dubbed “The Karate Kid” knocked out the resilient Randy “The Natural Couture” in what Couture said will be his last fight.
With the mysticism surrounding the Aikido Sensei turned Hollywood film star mixed with his lethal instruction, one has to wonder if perhaps some other big name UFC title holders could us a bit of Sensei Segal’s mojo.
