Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kentucky Derby 2011

Kentucky Derby 2011
The Kentucky Derby is such an awesome day in America if you really think about it. For only two minutes of television viewing time, it gives Denver yet another reason to party all day long. You get to wear a fancy hat, drink beer AND root for horses with such sweet names as Pants on Fire, Twice the Appeal, Mucho Macho Man and Stay Thirsty.

Come on, it’s the only time you can yell "Go Pants on Fire" safely without having a beer thrown in your face.

And we know what you're thinking: Colorado is thousands of miles from Kentucky, it just won't be the same. Oh touché our friends, that’s where you’re wrong. The only thing we won’t have is Jessica Simpson at an after-party. Thank goodness.
From the Denver Derby Party at Infinity Park to the White Trash Derby Bash at The Ginn Mill we have where to watch the big race in Denver. Plus, jockeys can be kind of hot. Wait, what?!
