Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jodie Foster

Wit her blonde hair and adorable smile, its easy to see why Jodie Foster was such a success as a child actress.
But as a three-year-old she wasn't quite the polished performer she would grow up to become.
In a scene from the Doris Day Show, filmed back in the late Sixties, the young Foster can be seen unselfconsciously picking her nose.
Foster worked in TV and film from a young age, landing her first role at the age of three as the star of a Coppertone suntan-lotion commercial.
She was reminded of her child stardom last night as Jay Leno dug out some vintage footage from the archives.
In return the actress had the chatshow host recoiling in horror as she showed him a photo of her swollen red-rimmed eye.
'It's real,' she told him, as he joked the picture was a scene from a horror film.
The 48-year-old mother-of-two revealed she came down with the infection while shooting a film in France.
'I got some terrible, disgusting, bad, nasty eye infection,' she said.
'It was really gross. I went to work, I'd had some kind of a throat infection. I couldn't open my eyes, they wouldn't unstick - it was so gross. '
Leno then showed Foster footage of her as a child actress on the Doris Day Show when she was aged just three.
The actress is currently promoting her film The Beaver, which she directs and stars in.
The film also stars shamed actor Mel Gibson, an old friend of Foster's.
