Saturday, May 28, 2011

Howard Hughes

If you’ve been a follower of my Blog, you know that I do not like big cities…give me the wide-open spaces!!!! We are in Vancouver because Mary wanted to investigate some possible real estate investment properties.
For today’s Blog entry I decided to acquaint you with Vancouver, Washington. Lewis and Clark passed through this area during their travels on their way to the Pacific Ocean.
To occupy most of my time, I’ve been reading a very-well written book about Howard Hughes by Richard Hack. Hughes was a most interesting character. An only child, spoiled-rotten as a child…receiving in 1923 at the age of 17, a $5,000 a month allowance…he grew into a self-serving ego maniac and paranoriac with no feelings for anyone but himself. His drive for fame and  money is a sad but intriguing story. His story (444 pages) proves money does not buy happiness. I highly recommend this book to you.
Howard Hughes never made it to Vancouver, Washington although Willie Nelson began his musical career here back in 1956.
In other news…
Today we will head for Long Beach on the Washington coast.
