Thursday, May 26, 2011


Astonished onlookers, tourists and locals alike, heard the music and saw the young Bahamian entertainer and hip hop teacher, as he did head spins and hand stands on the moving vehicle.Stunts which are difficult enough on the ground became even more terrifying as he entertained people in his own inimitable style.
Rico was recently awarded the highest level of scholarship granted by the Up With People programme, however, in order to complete his year, he needed to raise a further $8,250. Since learning of his acceptance, he has relentlessly contacted everyone he can think of in the local community to ask for sponsorship and achieved much success. “I wanted to do something more, using my skills to put a smile on people’s faces whilst asking them to sponsor me and that’s why I decided to do something energetic, unusual and fun. There was a lot of ways to fall off the truck.” said Thompson.
“I love making people happy and seeing the people’s reactions was amazing. At first they didn’t know what was happening, but as cars passed by and saw me dancing they smiled and threw money into the collection buckets. Shoppers made donations and started dancing with me which was great. The atmosphere was crazy fun and I gratefully received just over $800. I now have the last $2,050 to find and anyone who would like to sponsor me can call 374-2879 to find out how.”
Thompson remains extremely grateful throughout his fundraising quest. He says, “People’s generosity and belief in me has been wonderful. I have so many people to thank for helping me with the Truck Dance, namely; Tropical Shipping, Freeport Ship Services, Meacal Electronics and Freeport Advertising, Peter Williams, the Royal Bahamas Police Force who helped keep the event safe and ensured the public were not inconvenienced and last but not least, my incredible friends who helped collect the money and worked alongside me to make the event special. I see so many people who are fund raising and it makes me even more grateful to those who have chosen to support me. I sincerely thank the Paine Family, Freeport Players’ Guild, The Finglands, Sanitation Services, Freeport Oil Company, Ocean Motion, Lucaya Youth Theatre Society, The LeBlanc Family, Tiffany Dennison and those who have given anonymously.
“I am really lucky to have so many people in my life who genuinely want to see me succeed and I owe it to them to make the most of my year with Up With People. I want to gain as much as possible from it so that I can return to the Bahamas with more experience and skills, to be able to lead a productive and creative life here, helping my fellow Bahamians wherever and whenever I can. Whilst I want to travel the world, performing and being the best ambassador for the Bahamas that I can be, I also anticipate my return where I will be a year older and hopefully wiser and better able to serve the community and my people. I have an open agenda to collect as many good ideas so that I can come back here with something substantial to offer back to the country.”
