Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wrestlemania 27 Results

Wrestlemania 27 Results
With just a few days before Wrestlemania, this show promises to be hotter than the surface of the sun…packed with superstars and exciting matches to captivate and amaze the viewer going in to the biggest PPV of the year. Right? Wrong.
Instead of a normal Smackdown broadcast, the WWE has decided (as they have done in years past) to use this show as a giant infomercial for the PPV, with video packages underlining the main feuds and stories going in to the grand-daddy of them all.
With that said, we see Josh Mathews and Booker T standing in an empty stadium, and are going to introduce each package.
Rey Mysterio v Cody Rhodes is the first matchup highlighted. Instead of looking at the storyline though, we get a replay (joined in progress) of Rey’s victory from Wrestlemania 22 against Randy Orton and Kurt Angle.
We move swiftly on to Randy Orton v CM Punk….which gets 10 seconds before Josh says ‘Snookimania’, and then also listing Daniel Bryan v Sheamus for the US title.
Alberto Del Rio’s awful fashion sense gets a picture, and neither Brodus Clay or Christian are mentioned when they talk about this ‘epic’ match.
Next graphic – Triple H v Undertaker. In Josh’s opinion, Taker’s streak has never been in more jeaopardy….Hmmm….
Booker T can’t wait to see Miz v Cena, and Josh thinks this could be the greatest Wrestlemania of all time! I’ve heard that before somewhere….
We get a trip back now to Wrestlemania 21 to see John Cena win his first title against JBL. I miss Bradshaw, if only for his facial expressions.
We look next at Edge v Y2J from last year’s Mania, and I start crying when I think that Y2J isn’t around any more. Y2J gets the win, because he is Mr.Wrestlemania! He had PROMISED he would retain the title!
What could get you more excited about Wrestlemania than…a Big Boss Man match? Wrestlemania 5, with The Rockers v Twin Towers, must have been the high point of Boss Man’s gut size, and he plods around the ring showing off his lack of skills. Marty Jannety completely didn’t deserve to be punked like he was…And then ‘Air Africa’ gives the win to the fatties.
A reminder that the Hall of Fame ceremony is on Monday, and we’re back with Josh and Booker. We now build up to the Cole v Lawler match by seeing last year’s Money In The Bank match…which had a fat guy who did a ‘Twist of Fate’ from the top of the ladders. Who could he be? Swagger wins because Christian is stupid and can’t open a clasp…
Booker T puts The Rock over, saying how excited he was when he came back. We then see The Rock v Austin 1 from Wrestlemania 15, and the legendary Stunner which shot Rock halfway across the ring. Vince comes down and stomps a mudhole in Austin…but Mankind is out! Nice ref shirt bro. Rock Bottom → People’s Elbow misses → Stunner! 1, 2, 3!
More video package of Triple H, and then the second Y2J match of the night from Wrestlemania 18! What a treat! Triple H Pedigrees his own wife (who has a very sexy outfit on), and ends up hitting one on Jericho too for the 1, 2, 3!
Some Undertaker footage, and I have my fingers crossed for the handicap match against A-Train and Big Show from Wrestlemania 19…but instead we have to sit through Undertaker v HBK 1 from two years ago, with the best kickout ever (with Undertaker doing his tongue out and eyes back after a Tombstone).
And that’s it from this Smackdown Wrestlemania preview – we’ll see you on Monday for the Wrestlemania 27 Recap!
