Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scrabble Online

Scrabble Online
Multipopword at was my next port of call at this recently discovered website. Multipopword is magnificent. Click-and-drag your three letters and above words, and release the mouse to register your “find”. You have three minutes to locate as many words as you can in the 6x6 grid, each letter being connected to the next. Inexorably, the timer counts down, but there’s hardly time to notice it at all. The words you register, neatly appear on a blue panel on the right. Your game score ticks along at the bottom right. It’s all very slick and addictive.
For my debut, I chose an “easy” game room with just seven online players. When I signed on, there were just a few seconds to go in the session, and I got in just one word and the lowest score. Five rounds letter, I remained resolutely at the bottom of the table, with a cumulative 2,700 points, trailing far behind the leader at 8,800 points, who had chosen to go with the suitably discreet, yet unashamedly flamboyant ‘Woww’ as a game ID!
A new game starts up 30 seconds after the previous game. That’s enough time to shift into a comfortable position, square your jaw, and swear you’ll do better this time around. The longer the words, the more the points.
Day 2 at Multipopword saw me playing more intelligently. I didn’t scramble to click-and-drag every three or four letter word. I slowed things down a bit, looking for five to eight letter words, while trying to not drop below four letter words. It immediately reflected in better scoring, and I moved up the ranking charts.
On day 3, Neha and I went online and battled it out at Multiwordpop. We talked on Skype as we played. She was mercilessly triumphant through my annihilation. It didn’t do much for my ego, that the one time I almost caught up with her score, it was only because she was on Facebook and playing online Scrabble at the same time! In a Tetris-like twist, it’s possible to strategically use up letters and move the alphabets you need into position for killer words. Moving this theory to action is another matter entirely!
