Saturday, April 16, 2011

Full Tilt Poker

Full Tilt Poker
The founders of the first three online poker sites operating in the United States have been indicted for bank fraud and money laundering because they concealed the income from online gambling, announced the American justice today.
Among the 11 persons indicted are founders of PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker, all based overseas, said the federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Preet Bharara. The authorities are trying to recover over three billion dollars from the business.
There was an F.B.I. message on all three websites warning that “the domain name has been seized by the F.B.I.” due to an arrest warrant.
According to the F.B.I. allegations, the indicted persons have involved clients and U.S. banks, although they knew that this is illegal. “They lied to banks about the true nature of their business, and some have found banks willing to break the law, authorities announced.
As a result, the law enforcement blocked 76 bank accounts in 14 countries, used by online poker houses to collect money from players and five Internet domain names have been confiscated.
Although online cash games are banned in the United States in 2006, poker sites on the Internet have received billions of dollars by moving their work abroad.
According to experts, the American justice proceedings could cause “the death” of online gaming industry, white about 15 million registered U.S. players.
However, even though the domain name for is seized by F.B.I., the poker game is online, players could still enjoy the games using the software downloaded on their computer.
