Friday, April 15, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens

Cowboys And Aliens
Peanut butter & chocolate. Mick & Keith. Japanese monsters & Thriller. The world is full of interesting combinations, but this Summer's most intriguing one is without a doubtCowboys & Aliens. While news of the film is nothing new to fans of westerns, science fiction, comic book adaptations, Daniel Craig or any combination of the above, all we've seen of the film is a teaser trailer and, if you're lucky, some extended scenes. Up until now at least...
Cowboys & Aliens' full theatrical trailer shows us far more of the movie than we have seen up until this point, teasing out the mysterious backstory of Craig's drifter, showing off what look like bitching special effects, and even giving us peeks at both the aliens and Olivia Wilde's unclothed body. Most importantly, however, the trailer let's us see Craig's wacky proto-PIP-Boy in action.
Cowboys & Aliens sees release on July 29, 2011, and stars the aforementioned Mr. Craig and Ms. Wilde, as well as sci-fi's favorite grumpy old uncle, Harrison Ford. The flick is directed by Jon Favreau, best known as the director ofIron Man and the hefty fella who used to pal around with Vince Vaughn back when we still thought that guy was funny. Check the trailer out below and see if you can help us figure out how this ties in with that weird episode of F-Troop.
