Monday, March 28, 2011


QuiBids is giving consumers the opportunity to win more auctions on its site by raising its monthly win limit from 8 to 12. This allows users of the site the ability to win more products at great deals.
Over the past year, QuiBids has continued to add more features to its site in an effort to add more entertainment to create a better overall experience for the user. “We believe our customers will see more value to the site by raising the monthly win limits,” said QuiBids’ CFO, Jeff Geurts. “We’ve had a lot of customer feedback to raise the limits, so we’re giving our customers exactly what they want.” Many of QuiBids’ customers hit their daily and monthly win limits early on during the first week or two of the month, which then disable them from participating on the site until their 30-day period is up. This win limit increase will give customers more opportunities to win additional products over a month’s time, yet still keep the site fair and exciting.
QuiBids currently has around 15,000 plus auctions a day and is the largest auction site of its kind. Daily and monthly win limits are set in place to “spread the auction love” and to give every user a fair chance at winning. The daily win limit of three is still in place.
“We listen to our customers, so when they suggest a way to improve our site, we take it seriously,” said Jill Farrand, QuiBids’ Director of Public Relations. “We review our policies and procedures on a regular basis and improve upon those procedures when we see fit. The increase in the monthly win limits was an item we felt our customers would appreciate and will provide them with additional ways to win.”
QuiBids is the nation’s largest entertainment retail auction site of its kind. Its mission is to redefine shopping by providing the best deals possible for its customers with a unique, fun and exciting online experience.
