Friday, March 25, 2011

Jersey Shore Season 4

Jersey Shore Season 4
Casey Abrams receives save on American Idol 2011, Rebecca Black continues her success and Jersey Shore Season 4 has fans skeptical.
Rebecca Black may not be a good singer but she is a viral media genius who scored a gig on Jay Leno. Casey Abramswas voted off of American Idol Season 10 last night but the judges saved him. Jersey Shore aired its season 3 finale last night and some fans are skeptical about Jersey Shore Season 4.
The young lady Rebecca Black brought us “Friday” which everyone seemed to hate. That being said, Black is a genius as her “horrible” music video has generated 46 million views on YouTube as of this morning. The young internet sensationdisaster hit Jay Leno the other now where she was clearly lip synching her single. With her appearance on Jay Leno,Rebecca Black has lit a fire under her haters, once again. GENIUS!
Last night on American Idol, the results were announced and America voted off…Casey Abrams! Wait a minute; how is that even possible? Honestly, I think they did that crap on purpose, just to generate buzz. Casey is one of the best singers in the competition and there is no way he was actually voted off. Regardless, the judges used their one save of the season onCasey Abrams so he remains in the competition. Next week on American Idol 2011, two contestants will be sent home. VOTE for Casey Abrams America!
Jersey Shore Season 3 came to an end last night and I am glad it’s finally over. It really looks like MTV’s hit show Jersey Shore is at the end of its leg as this season was pretty horrible. Instead of being funny, it was just a soap opera surrounding Ronnie and Sammi’s disaster of a relationship. Fans are skeptical about Jersey Shore Season 4 which will be shot in Italy. Can MTV revive the show by sending the talentless cast abroad? Something tells me that it is going to be horrible and will be the last we see of the Jersey Shore rejects. What do you all think? Will you watch Jersey Shore Season 4?
