Sunday, March 27, 2011

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS
Aaron Ash’s Multifl0w ($4.99) is proving to be one of the best Cydia Store purchases I have ever made.
It regularly outpaces Apple’s native iOS multitasking bar on my iPhone 3GS and makes it a lot easier for me to quickly manage memory by closing multiple apps in Exposé mode.
I’ve got Multifl0w set up to activate by a quick double-tap of the Home button, as well as an upward swipe in the middle of the screen, and this has been working beautifully for me. Whereas the iOS 4 multitasking bar tends to take about a second to rear its little head, Multifl0w always pops up instantly and only shows the apps that are currently.
We have, of course, covered Multifl0w before, but I thought that this quick video would do the best job of illustrating why iPhone users — especially 3GS users that tend to struggle with RAM issues — might want to pick this alternate multitasking interface up from the Cydia Store.
