Thursday, March 31, 2011

Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Banks
Elizabeth Banks has revealed she and her husband Max are the proud parents of a baby boy, born via gestational surrogate.
The 30 Rock star announced the news on her blog, saying the couple of more than 20 years had deliberately kept the arrival of son Felix private.
Describing the baby as a 'miracle' she said her son was a 'very happy baby and a blessing in our life'.
Banks also revealed that she had only chosen to use a surrogate after years of failed fertility treatment.
The 37-year-old, who plays a new mother in her TV show 30 Rock, wrote: 'The one true hurdle I've faced in life is that I have a broken belly.
'After years of trying to get pregnant, exploring the range of fertility treatments, all unsuccessful, our journey led us to gestational surrogacy: we make a "baby cake" and bake it in another woman's "oven".'
She explained that she felt blessed to have been able to use this option.
'From that came two miracles. The first was meeting our carrier and her husband who were truly humbling in their decency and generosity.
'And the second miracle was the birth of our baby boy, Felix Handelman.'
Her pride in her baby was obvious, with Banks writing: 'Felix means "happy" and "lucky" in Latin.
'And true to his name, Felix is a very happy baby and a blessing on our life.'
Banks did not reveal her son's age or the identity of her surrogate, saying she planned to raise him away from the spotlight.
