Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dyslexia is a reading disability that occurs when the brain does not properly recognize and process certain symbols. It impairs a person’s fluency or accuracy in being able to read, speak, and spell properly. Person suffering from Dyslexia might have difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding,orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, and rapid naming. Dyslexia can develop symptoms such as having trouble in rhyming and separating sounds that could be a great obstacle in the process of learning especially in children as word recognition is the initial step for developing reading skills are based on word recognition and being able to separate out the sounds in words and match them with letters and groups of letters. Difficulty in determining the meaning of a simple sentence, difficulty learning to recognize written words and difficulty in rhyming are some general symptoms related to dyslexic people.
Its relatively difficult to diagnose Dyslexia in a child before its school-going age, because once the child is exposed to school and learning environment, parents and teachers can easily diagnose the problem their child id suffering from. These children may exhibit delays in speed, slow learning of new words, difficulty in rhyming words, as in nursery rhymes.
One misconception about dyslexic readers is that they write words backwards or move letters around when reading. This occurs in a very small number of dyslexic victims not in each and every person having Dyslexia.
There is no specific strategy of treatment for every dyslexic. But techniques like remedial instruction, private, individual tutoring or Special day classes could be helpful in case of every Dyslexic person.
Psychological counseling and positive reinforcement is imperative as many students with learning disabilities have poor self-esteem.
