Sunday, March 27, 2011

Census 2011

Census 2011
Millions of residents in Britain today completed forms for the census 2011 that is expected to reveal at least one or two towns with a non-white majority, possibly Birmingham and Leicester.

The results of the census are expected to reveal significant increases in the number of Indian and other immigrants living in the country.

For the first time, questions on the census form include queries about migration and national identity and passports. The trend revealed in several studies that parts of Britain have increasing concentration of non-whites is likely to be confirmed in the 2011 census.

Some of the main reasons for this is a declining white population, increasing non-white immigration and population growth in settled non-white. The first towns where non-whites are expected to outnumber the whites are Leicester, Birmingham, Slough and Luton.
In some council wards in these towns, as well as many others across Britain, non-whites are already in a majority. Thirty-five towns and cities had at least one council ward that was 'minority white'.

The forms can be completed online and by post. Every household in the country has been sent a form that asks who is living there as well as seeking details on jobs, education and ethnic background.

The census has taken place in Britain every 10 years since 1801, apart from during World War II.

First results from the 2011 Census, in the form of summary data for local authorities, are planned for release in September 2012.

More detailed results, for a range of statistical and administrative areas, will follow throughout 2013 and into 2014.
The census forms include questions about national identity, ethnic group, educational qualifications, job titles, method of travelling to work and health status.

For the first time there are enquiries on civil partnerships, second homes and recent migration. But there are no questions on income, sexual orientation or the nature of any disability.

More than one million forms have already been submitted online and census organisers believe that about a quarter of the 26 million households being surveyed will complete the document on the internet.

Filling the forms in is compulsory. Enforcement officers will start knocking on the doors of homes where a census form has not been completed in five weeks' time.

Repeated failure to fill in the census form could result in a fine of up to 1,000 pounds.
