Friday, January 21, 2011

Todd Palin Affair

Todd Palin Affair
Did Todd Palin cheat on Sarah Palin with a female massage therapist named Shaiely Tripp? That’s the story that’s hitting news outlets all over the world this morning.
The National Enquirer reveals in a headline today that Todd Palin is in the middle of a sex scandal that could rock the world and, finally, leave Sarah Palin speechless.
The tabloid is not only reporting that Todd Palin is cheating on his wife but that he’s cheating on her with a massage therapist who was recently busted for prostitution – classy.
The source for the Enquirer had the following to say about the scandal:
“My sources reveal that a massage therapist and computer technologist, Shailey Tripp, had an affair with Todd Palin that lead (sic) to her arrest March of 2010. According to the tenants in the building of her offices, they saw Todd come and go often and heard noises that sounded like someone was having sex.”
The National Enquirer has a less-than-impressive reputation when it comes to breaking news but they have broke many high profile stories (like the John Edwards/Reille Hunter affair).
Tell us, do you think Todd Palin had an affair with Shailey Tripp – or anyone else for that matter?
